Our Core Team

A graduate from Imperial College in the UK and Fraunhofer Institut in Germany he is an active outdoors sports fan

A graduate from Imperial College in the UK and Fraunhofer Institut in Germany he is an active outdoors sports fan

NELSON STRATTA - co-Founder and CEO

Nelson Stratta worked for over 30 years as an independent expert in the field of innovation and development finance for a variety of multilateral and bilateral DFIs and supported governments of over 40 countries including Africa, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and the Asia-Pacific regions. His list of clients also include private corporations and consulting firms in developed and developing economies.

He also served for several international not-for-profit organizations like the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum, Levi Strauss and Esquel Group Foundations, the Lions Club and the Centre for Innovation and Development. In 2003 he was designated by the UN Secretary-General as a member of the UN Latin American Panel of Eminent Persons on Civil Society.

Daniela Cury - Co-founder

A computer science and electronic engineer Daniela is a well known ICT innovation expert who developed her career in highly innovative internet corporations in Brazil (like UOL). She also pioneered the development of the open source community and the adoption of open source software in commercial environments and for development purposes.

She later continued her innovation work in Canada and Australia and also supported the governments of several developing countries to develop and implement national and sector ICT policies and radical innovations financed by the UNDP and the governments of Australia and New Zealand.

Daniela takes care of our technology cluster startups in Brazil, Costa Rica and South Africa.Graduated from Mackenzie University in Brazil and the Universities of California (USA) and Edinburgh (UK)

A former professional climber, now focused on regular sports, innovation and daughter

A former professional climber, now focused on regular sports, innovation and daughter